Special Issue: Call for Papers
We strongly encourage submissions to an extended/revised version to a Special Issue of the International Journal of Social Robotics from leading reasearchers in the fields. Topics include but are not limiting to the following:
- Impact of Social Cues on Trust in Human-Robot Interaction
- Measuring Trust in Human-Robot Interaction
- Trust Violation and Recovery Mechanism in HRI
- Effects of Humans’ Acceptance on Trust of Robots
- Humans Sense of Control and Trust in Robots
- Trust and Assistive Robotics
- Overtrust in Robots
- Antecedent of Trust and Robot Trust
- Enhancing Humans Trust in Robots
- Enhancing Trust in a Robot Companion
- User Profiling and Trust in Human-Robot Interaction
Important Dates
- Paper submission: January 31st, 2020
- Notification of acceptance: March 13th, 2020
- Final submission: April 30th, 2020
Templates and Procedure for Paper Submissions
Intruction for Authors can be found at the following Guidelines. Manuscripts should be submitted in LaTeX. Please use Springer’s LaTeX macro package and choose the formatting option "twocolumn". The submission should include the original source (including all style files and figures) and a PDF version of the compiled output. Word files are also accepted.
LaTeX macro package (zip, 183 kB)
Interested authors can submit their work at https://www.editorialmanager.com/soro.
Please specify the relevant Special Issue S.I. Trust, Acceptance and Social Cues in Robot Interaction in the additional information section later in the submission process. The article type should be Original Research or Survey depending on the type of your work.